Great Weekend At Cowgirl Get Together Hearing Speakers Shellie Thomlinson From ATS, Michele Cushatt And More! | Blog | Author Debra Clopton Great Weekend At Cowgirl Get Together Hearing Speakers Shellie Thomlinson From ATS, Michele Cushatt And More! | Blog | Author Debra Clopton
Debra CloptonDebra CloptonDebra CloptonDebra Clopton

Great Weekend at Cowgirl Get Together Hearing Speakers Shellie Thomlinson from ATS, Michele Cushatt and More!

Okay so this weekend I took twenty-four hours that I did not have to give, from my writing deadline to spend time with the cowgirls from my church at the Cowgirl Get Together in Tyler Texas! I go every year (this is my 4th year) and God blesses me every time. I knew despite my writing deadline that God would meet me there. That He would have a word for me through the speakers as He does every year. And I was not wrong. Oh what a great weekend it was with 2000 women from all across Texas worshiping the Lord!

From the moment it started it was a blessing. I went with an open heart ready to accept what God had for me. Michelle Carson's heart is wide open for the ministry of putting together this retreat and she does an awesome job. Her Bent Bucket Band's music is always a hit-love their voices!

HALO's music touches the soul and Sandie Dickey's powerful voice and testimony had me on my feet.

Shellie Thomlinson from All Things Southern had the room laughing and her message to not let Satan trip us up and keep us from accessing the Lord and experiencing an abundant life was inspiring. Shellie has a way of saying things that…well, no one else says it the same way. Jeff Foxworthy endorsed one of her books so that right there tells you something 🙂 Funny lady and I got the opportunity to speak to her briefly, just to introduce myself and thank her for sharing her ministry with us. If you get the chance to hear her speak grab it!

Then we were blessed to hear a new speaker Michelle Cushatt and her story was one of inspiration. And then Lurna Cumby–I couldn't find the link to Lurna but what and amazing hand God has placed on Lurna! Her messages are deep and always reach in and touch. This weekend she spoke of not letting satan messing with your life take your focus off of knowing that God is within you, giving you the strength to take on anything the devil can throw your way.

The weekends, theme verse was John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

I'm praying that you grab hold of that verse and know that God is with you through the low times and the good times. With Him beside you you can have abundant life.

Okay, back to the writing. I've got 15 days to finish this book and then its off to the publishers 🙂 whoo hoo. Pray for me 🙂




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Sarah Fair
Sarah Fair
12 years ago

Hi Debra
I cant believe that you were in Tyler we live 10 miles north!!

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